Teachers and school staff, volunteers, and contractors are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have provided documentation of a medical or religious exception to the school district before they are able to teach, work, learn, study, assist, observe, or volunteer at school. Students and staff should get vaccinated and boosted when they become eligible. Vaccination remains the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19 and reduces spread of the disease.
COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections
(Tables 5-7)
(Table 5) |
Response- High Transmission
(Table 6) |
Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline
(Table 7) |
OAR 333-019-1030
Vaccination remains the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19 and reduces spread of the disease. Students and staff should get vaccinated and boosted when they become eligible.
Vaccines for COVID-19 | CDC Get Vaccinated Oregon Accessibility Kit Resource
A District works in partnerships with healthcare providers to promote vaccines, access to vaccinations, and the location of vaccine clinics throughout the district.
Utilize the following resources:
ODE COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccination Toolkit
NASN COVID-19 Vaccination Administration in Schools
During periods of high transmission, the district collaborates with the LPHA and OHA in the establishment of vaccine clinics at any school sites requested by the health authority or community partners. |
During periods of medium transmission districts collaborate with the LPHA and OHA in the establishment of vaccine clinics at any school sites requested by the health authority or community partners. *This collaboration decreases as case counts lower and increases as case counts rise. |