Physical Distancing

Layered mitigation efforts help to reduce the spread of illness. Physical distancing is one layer that can reduce the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections

(Tables 5-7)


 (Table 5)

Response- High Transmission 

(Table 6)

Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline 

(Table 7)

Physical Distancing

Layered mitigation efforts help to reduce the spread of illness. Physical distancing is one layer that can reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools and Early Care and Education Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning | CDC (05/27/2022)

COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools | AAP (07/06/2022)

FAQ for K-12 | CDC (05/27/2022)

Use outdoor spaces and/or spread students out as feasible (if possible due to climate and available space).

How to Protect Yourself and Others | CDC

Keep on Keeping Your Distance (2020)

In the K-12 setting when masks are universally in place, close contact is 3 feet. When universal masking is not in place, close contact is 6 feet. Encourage physical distance of 3 or 6 feet (depending on your building's mask use).

Continue to encourage physical distancing of 3 or 6 feet- depending on your district’s mask policy. Continue to encourage the use of outdoor space, if feasible due to climate.