Isolation Space

The school district shall maintain a prevention oriented health services program (OAR 581-022-2220) for all students which provides: Health care and space that is appropriately supervised and adequately equipped for providing first aid, and isolates the sick or injured child from the student body. (ODE) In Oregon schools, providing adequate isolation spaces in schools following the requirements set forth by state rules continues to be a challenge. Oregon nurses practicing in the school setting have found resources to reducing the risk of communicable disease transmission.

COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections

(Tables 5-7)


 (Table 5)

Response- High Transmission 

(Table 6)

Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline 

(Table 7)

Isolation Space

OAR 581-022-2220

Oregon state law requires that each school district “shall maintain a prevention oriented health services program for all students which provides:

Health care and space that is appropriately supervised and adequately equipped for providing first aid, and isolates the sick or injured child from the student body.”(ODE)

Protocols are established in each building for a health room and an isolation room for illness, to separate people who have or may have a contagious disease from people who are not sick required by OAR 581-022-2220. 

Staff trained in isolation room protocols, quarantine protocols, and wearing of PPE.  Staff to support students on Individualized Health Management Plans and medical procedures. Offer access to COVID-19 testing.

2022 OSNA Example Modification to the Health Room

At high community transmission levels schools will:
  • Have designated trained staff that can support all student health and safety needs and are well informed of COVID-19 protocols.
  • Begin to prepare the additional spaces identified for isolation use during an active outbreak.
  • Have Screening protocols at time of arrival or during the school day per communicable disease protocol.
  • Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated, offered a test, and sent home

Investigation and control of disease. District policies and procedures incorporate a layered approach to identifying, monitoring, and mitigating outbreaks of communicable diseases including COVID-19 and works closely with LPHA

COVID-19 Case and Contact Reporting to Schools/School Districts;

Verification of COVID-19 Cases