Face Coverings

Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Learn more about different types of masks and respirators and how to get the best fit. (CDC)

COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections

(Tables 5-7)


 (Table 5)

Response- High Transmission 

(Table 6)

Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline 

(Table 7)

Face Coverings

Masks can help protect you and others from COVID-19. Learn more about different types of masks and respirators and how to get the best fit.(CDC)

Use and Care of Masks | CDC

For face covering signage in multiple languages, scroll down to “Signage” on this OHA Page.

For printable posters including face covering guidance, visit this CDC page

Universal masking is no longer required of vaccinated or unvaccinated students or adults, but highly recommended. 

At low community levels, wear a mask based on your personal preference or when required by district.

Face coverings are still required in health rooms and isolation rooms as required by OHA. 

Health Room Masks Required Poster

Health Care Setting Masking Requirements FAQ | OHA (07/06/2022)

CDC, OHA, and ODE recommend universal use of wearing a well-fitting mask/ face coverings indoors during periods of high transmission. Please include whether your school will implement this critical recommendation.

 If you are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe illness wear a mask or respirator that provides you with greater protection.

As case levels decrease from high, utilizing CDC, face coverings become optional. 

If you are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe illness talk to your healthcare provider about additional precautions, such as wearing masks or respirators indoors in public