Communication Tools

ODE has provided a communications toolkit to promote and encourage communication regarding COVID-19 (and other communicable diseases) to students, families, communities, and school staff. School staff should be familiar with FERPA laws regarding sharing student information during a public health emergency (see Oregon School Nurse Manual section 2D).

COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections

(Tables 5-7)


 (Table 5)

Response- High Transmission 

(Table 6)

Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline 

(Table 7)

Communication Tools

“School and district leaders are encouraged to use these tools to communicate with staff, school boards, students, families, the media and their community about the 2021-22 school year. ”

Communications Toolkit | ODE
(last updated for 21-22 school year)

Oregon School Nurse Manual (section 2D) regarding sharing protected information during a public health emergency.

The tools are customizable, and intended to serve as a starting point for school leaders to modify as needed to communicate with their community.

COVID-19 Case and Contact Reporting to Schools/School Districts | OHA

During time of high disease transmission, this flow chart can help simplify communication between schools and community partners.

Communicable Disease Communication Protocol (08/2021)

Help Protect Yourself and Others | CDC (3/1/2022)