
Cohorting and tracking of cohorting is a strong public health strategy to limit the spread of illness. Examples: stable mealtime cohorts, classroom, table groups, and other group situations. Cohorts should be as small as feasible to minimize exposure.

COVID-19 Management Plan Template Sections

(Tables 5-7)


 (Table 5)

Response- High Transmission 

(Table 6)

Recovery-Gradual Return to Baseline 

(Table 7)


Cohorting and tracking of cohorts is a strong public health strategy to limit the spread of illness.

Examples:stable mealtime cohorts, classroom, table groups, and other group situations. Cohorts should be as small as feasible to minimize exposure.

School Testing for COVID-19 | CDC

Attendance and absenteeism:
Modifying Student Information Systems for COVID-19 and Beyond

Tracking and reporting cases, immunizations, and absences can be done using student information systems.

A resource for if Cohorting is recommended/required or desired by your district: Coming Soon.

Schools should notify their LPHA about unusual respiratory disease activity if the following absence thresholds are met and at least some students are known to have influenza or COVID-like symptoms with the investigative process:
  1. At the school level: ≥ 30% student/staff population absent d/t illness
  2. At the cohort level: ≥ 20% students/staff absent d/t illness

Class Cohort Tracking Log

Modifying Student Information Systems for COVID-19 and Beyond

Tracking and reporting cases, immunizations, and absences can be done using student information systems.

COVID-19 Tracking and Communications

Tracking COVID-19 in Oregon Schools

Modifying Student Information Systems for COVID-19 and Beyond

Tracking and reporting cases, immunizations, and absences can be done using student information systems.