
Announcements List

  • Ehlers Danlos Toolkit Now Available!

    New Toolkit added to our list of resources! Click here to see the newest Toolkit: Ehlers Danlos.

    If you haven't already go check out all the toolkits available to you.

    Resources > Toolkits



    Would you like to get more involved with OSNA? Looking for leadership experience or know someone that would be a good leader? This is for you! This year ANY member can apply. Elections will take place online sometime in March. Every member will get a chance to vote. 

    The positions up for election in 2024 are for President Elect and Treasurer (see highlighted description in the attached Job Descriptions document below).

    How to nominate:

    Fill out this candidate form and submit it by February 25th, 2024. 

    We also ask that you fill out this form and submit it along with your candidate application.

    Not sure if this if for you? Here is a list of responsibilities: Board Responsibilities 

    Instructions: Download these two fillable forms, include your information, save the forms with changes (include your name and the role you are seeking in the documents titles), and return them to OSNA at

    We hope that nurses will pursue leadership roles (elected/appointed and participation on committees) to strengthen their own leadership skills, to make OSNA a stronger organization, and to improve school nursing in Oregon.

    To see the full discussion post see here

  • Professional Development Opportunities in February 2024

    Greetings, for a short month, there are many professional development opportunities in February. Please take a look at the OSNA Events Calendar for specifics for the following: 

    Special Topics Cafe 2/7/2024: Identifying Health-related Needs and Roles at School: A Parent's Perspective

    This session will be a presentation and discussion with the Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (OCCYSHN). OCCYSHN will present a short video of a mother describing her daughter's experience in the school system and the various points in time where things worked well or didn't work well.  Following the video, participants will share strategies that might have improved this youth's school experience and outcomes. Participants will also discuss the impact of the daughter's unmet needs on the mother and family. OCCYSHN is Oregon's public health agency for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). It works for policy change and supports Oregon's systems of care so they are better equipped to meet the needs of this vulnerable population.

    Special Topics Cafe: 1st Wednesday @3:30-5:00 (RECORDED): In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing. Generally there will be a presentation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.


    Mentoring Monday 2/12/24 (RESCHEDULED FROM JANUARY) Seizure Management in Schools

    This will be a two part discussion. Nurses will explore the seizure toolkit using a case study. This will include a discussion IEP assessment and the use of the acuity tool. Nurses will then hear a brief presentation about the school nurse role in school planning for non-epileptic psychogenic events.

    Mentoring Monday: (4th Monday @3:30-5:00): This CoP is an informal teaching workshop which addresses clinical topics and provides us with a forum to share some tools for school nurse best practice. Generally there will be a presentation, including time for Q&A followed by time to explore resources.


    Power Hour 2/15/24: Records Requests

    Before an open-ended opportunity for discussion, school nurses will have the opportunity to share about their processes around school school health record management. Specifically, how are school health records (IHP's, etc.) shared when a receiving district makes a school records request for a transferring student.

    Power Hour (3rd Thursday @3:30-5:00) Not Recorded: This CoP emerged organically as nurses needed support and empowerment during the pandemic. It continues to provide opportunities for nurses to share their insights, successes, and concerns in an open-ended format. White it will always offer some time for nurse-led discussion, it may also function as a focus group wherein nurses can share feedback on specific questions.


    Mentoring Monday 2/26/24: Asthma Management

    OSNA will welcome Dr. James Baker for a clinical update on Asthma management and then examine the support in the asthma toolkit. 

    Mentoring Monday: (4th Monday @3:30-5:00): This CoP is an informal teaching workshop which addresses clinical topics and provides us with a forum to share some tools for school nurse best practice. Generally there will be a presentation, including time for Q&A followed by time to explore resources.


    Hope to see you there! :)W

  • SPRING CONFERENCE Registration is open!

    Riverhouse Convention Center on April 18 - 19, 2024

    Click here to Register!

    For more information on this conference, including hotels, visit the OSNA Spring Conference page

  • NEW Board Election Process and Leadership Opportunitues!

    Would you like to get more involved with OSNA? Looking for leadership experience or know someone that would be a good leader? This is for you! This year ANY member can apply. Elections will take place online sometime in March. Every member will get a chance to vote. 

    The positions up for election in 2024 are for President Elect and Treasurer (see highlighted description in the attached Job Descriptions document below).

    How to nominate:

    Fill out this candidate form and submit it by February 25th, 2024. 

    We also ask that you fill out this form and submit it along with your candidate application.

    Not sure if this if for you? Here is a list of responsibilities: Board Responsibilities 

    Instructions: Download these two fillable forms, include your information, save the forms with changes (include your name and the role you are seeking in the documents titles), and return them to OSNA at

    We hope that nurses will pursue leadership roles (elected/appointed and participation on committees) to strengthen their own leadership skills, to make OSNA a stronger organization, and to improve school nursing in Oregon.

    To see the full discussion post see here

  • Special Topics Cafe: Sources of Strength 1/3 @ 3:30

    Liz Thorne of Matchstick Consulting will present on Sources of Strengths a best practice suicide prevention project that moves beyond singular risk factors to focus on multiple sources of support (strengths) and increases help seeking behaviors and promotes connections to peers and caring adults.

    Special Topics Cafe: 1st Wednesday @3:30-5:00 (RECORDED): In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing. Generally there will be a presentation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.


  • Power Hour Today @ 3:30PM!

    Not Recorded: This CoP emerged organically as nurses needed support and empowerment during the pandemic. It continues to provide opportunities for nurses to share their insights, successes, and concerns in an open-ended format. White it will always offer some time for nurse-led discussion, it may also function as a focus group wherein nurses can share feedback on specific questions.

  • Mentoring Monday 12/11 @ 3:30: How to Use the Acuity Tool

    The November/December Mentoring Monday will be offered on Monday, 12/11 @3:30, and we will be continuing the conversation about using the acuity tool which began at Fall Conference. Please join us as we look at case studies and gain a better understanding about how to use this tool consistently. Here is the video of the presentation on the acuity tool from conference; if you did not attend, we recommend that you view the video before you attend on Monday, 12/11: Measuring Acuity in the School Setting. It will be helpful to print this companion document before the session, as well.


    We want to have this conversation when it works for you! If this Mentoring Monday opportunity does not fit into your schedule, we will create another acuity tool session this winter. If you work with a group of nurses and have a regularly scheduled meeting during your work day, we can join you to have a session during that meeting. One of the most important components of having a statewide tool is to ensure that nurses are trained to use it consistently so that the resulting data collected is meaningful! It is essential that any nurse who is planning to use the acuity tool attend a session to develop an understanding around how it is meant to be utilized. Hope to see you soon! :)W

    Mentoring Monday: 4th Monday @3:30-5:00 (Recorded): This CoP is an informal teaching workshop which addresses clinical topics and provides us with a forum to share some tools for school nurse best practice. Generally there will be a presentation, including time for Q&A followed by time to explore resources.

  • Special Topics Cafe: Collaborating with School Based Health Centers 12/6 @ 3:30

    Collaborating with School Based Health Centers: Collaboration between SBHC and SN building whole school systems. Maureen Hinnman and Hannah Smith will share about the development of school health needs assessments between 2018 to present. School nurses will hear about opportunities to advocate for assessment of health needs. What do you need to support students? What does your district need? School nurses and partners from the Oregon School Based Health Alliance will share information and experiences of successful collaboration.

    Special Topics Cafe: 1st Wednesday @3:30-5:00 (RECORDED): In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing. Generally there will be a presentation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.


  • OSNA Photo Submission Request for Webpage!

    We need your help to improve our webpage! Send us your nurse team photos! Learn more here

  • Mentoring Monday 10/23 @ 3:30 School Nurse's Role Contributing to IEP and 504 Teams

    In this session, Lori Perkins from Beaverton will discuss the nurse's role in the Special Education process and share examples of templates which can be used for IEP/504 Nursing Assessments. New guidance from ODE on the nurse's role in IHP/IEP/504 will also be shared.

    Mentoring Monday: 4th Monday @3:30-5:00 (Recorded): This CoP is an informal teaching workshop which addresses clinical topics and provides us with a forum to share some tools for school nurse best practice. Generally there will be a presentation, including time for Q&A followed by time to explore resources.


    Add to   Google Calendar     Outlook Calendar     Yahoo Calendar

  • POWER HOUR: (10/19 @ 3:30) Learn about/give feedback on the Medication Administration Rules

    Power Hour (3rd Thursday @3:30-5:00) This CoP emerged organically as nurses needed support and empowerment during the pandemic. It continues to provide opportunities for nurses to share their insights, successes, and concerns in an open-ended format. White it will always offer some time for nurse-led discussion, it may also function as a focus group wherein nurses can share feedback on specific questions.

    10/19/2023 @ 3:30: Ely Sanders will share the current draft of proposed updates to the Medication Administration Rules. Participants who register before 8:00 am Tuesday will receive a copy of the document to review in advance of the meeting. 


  • OSNA Conference Justification Letter

    OSNA has created a letter you can use to communicate with your district/ESD leadership to explain why school nursing specific conferences are essential. The letter references NASN's definition of school nursing and the Oregon Nurse Practice Act. The middle two paragraphs are specific to the 2023-2024 conferences. Please make a copy of the template and modify it to meet the needs of your situation (some districts want specific  event details, others will just want the rational paragraphs).

    OSNA Conference Justification Letter (editable)

    REMINDER: Fall Conference Registration is open!

    At the 2023 OSNA Virtual Fall Conference on November 3rd, nurses will gain understanding of the updated School Health Services Rule (OAR 581-022-2220) and learn to use the ODE recommended tool for gathering acuity data for the required annual Nursing Services in Oregon Public Schools report due in June. Beyond complying with the Nurse Practice Act, it is essential that school nurses are knowledgeable about the Oregon education statutes and regulations governing their practice. Clinical content at the fall conference will focus on students with cardiac diagnoses, focusing on the impact of those conditions on the student's ability to engage in education.

  • Epilepsy Foundation Conference: November 11th

    The Epilepsy Foundation is having its annual conference, "Innovations in Epilepsy," at Doernbecher on November 11 (Saturday), and it is FREE. Though there is not a synchronous virtual option, they have assured me that they will be recording the sessions. We are hoping to feature some of the content at a Mentoring Monday in the near future, so nurses from all over the state have access to these materials!

    Learn more HERE

  • Special Topics Cafe: Section 504, ADHD and Disability-related behaviors

    Hi Nurses,

    Special Topics Cafe: 1st Wednesday @3:30-5:00 (RECORDED): In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing. Generally there will be a presentation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.


    On October 4th, we look forward to welcoming Dr. Marinda Peters from the ODE Office of Civil Rights to speak to us about section 504, specifically discussing students with ADHD and disability-related behavior concerns. School nurses will learn about recommendations for supporting students with ADHD and understand how to advocate for their students who are at risk of discriminatory discipline. 

    Dr. Peters spoke to nurses last spring, giving a more general 504 presentation, School Planning Solutions: 504s, which nurses will also find useful.

    We hope to see you on Wednesday!

  • Mentoring Monday: OHSU on Diabetes Update, 9/25/23 @ 3:30

    Please join us for...

    Mentoring Monday: 4th Monday @3:30-5:00 (Recorded): This CoP is an informal teaching workshop which addresses clinical topics and provides us with a forum to share some tools for school nurse best practice. Generally there will be a presentation, including time for Q&A followed by time to explore resources.


    Add to   Google Calendar     Outlook Calendar     Yahoo Calendar

    September 25: Topic: Diabetes Update (Meg Courtnage, Kelly Paine White, OHSU)

  • Special Topics Café: Updates from ODE

    Join us for STC on Wednesday September 6 @ 3:30. In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing.

    In this session, Ely Sanders and Rachel Smith from the Oregon Department of Education will address topics including the revised School Health Services Rules, communicable disease guidance after COVID, and updates on work with the Medication Administration OAR's and acuity reporting. This session will be recorded and posted in the communities-of-practice/special-topics-cafe page on our website


  • Mentoring Monday Materials Available: Revisions to the Delegation Rules

    The video and presenter slides from this week's Mentoring Monday on revisions to the delegation rules in Division 47 of the Oregon Nurse practice Act are posted. You will find the materials on the OSNA website