Brian Parker is a member of the Taylor Hooton Foundation and speaks on the subject of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances. Brian serves as the Director of Education for the Foundation which was founded in 2004, the year following the loss of the Hooton Family’s youngest son Taylor. After studying at Elon University and working in baseball, Brian has spent the past 12 years with the organization speaking directly to thousands of people raising awareness about the widespread use of these substances. This program provides a pragmatic view of these substances – What are they? Who is using? Where are they coming from? What are the social issues and pressures driving their usage? How do we navigate dietary supplements? What are the dangers? The program will provide factual information about the world of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances so that together we can provide a crucial conversation to our students about properly achieving their goals while living and competing the right way.
Special Topics Cafe (1st Wednesday @3:30-5:00) RECORDED: In this professional community of practice, nurses will have an opportunity to engage with our partners to learn about and discuss current topics in school nursing. Generally there will be a presentation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.