
  • Dear OSNA School Nurse Colleagues, I truly earn my nickname as the “Bronte” of emails with this one. I was working on it off and on all last week, and it took on a life of its own, almost is a novel. I might recommend printing it out and reading it at your leisure. Also, apologies if you also get this from Ely's list serve, I wanted to make sure you all get this message. It was so good to see so many of you at the OSNA 2016 Spring Conference, the LARGEST ever. There were 115 of us there that heard great speakers and got a lot of good information. In addition, and arguably just as important, a good time was had by all networking. Special thanks to the Washington County School Nurses who planned and organized it, believe me I know how much work it is. I also need to give a huge thank you to Christy Middleton, who coordinated it all. Another shout out to Kim Dixon, our awesome treasurer who got us on eply, thus getting us further into the 21st century and making registration simple and easy, and she is always great about all the little details. Thanks to all of you. On a side note, I mentioned one of the biggest reasons I ran to be on the board of OSNA is to be your biggest cheerleader. I get to hear and pass on stories of the amazing job you do. I don’t think you are appreciated enough, and to be honest, I think you need to toot your own horn a little bit more. That was confirmed for me at the conference when I was giving shout outs to former board members, former School Nurses of the Year, etc. Most of you were embarrassed to even stand up, and those who did, barely stood for a second and sat back down, showing I still have work to do with you all, remember the mantra “Say it out loud, I am a school nurse and I’m proud” To give all of you an update, our new website, is up and running. We will be adding sections where you can view the treasurer’s report, the OSNA Board Meeting minutes, and the general meeting minutes. We are trying to make sure it has all the information you might need. Stay tuned for further updates as we have a chance to send them out. We will also put the power points of the presentations given at the conference so you can check it out. In some of your comments about the conference, some of you mentioned more updates. We try our best, but all of us on the Board are balancing work and family, and do as much as we can when we can. Have a look at my comments about volunteering, and if you would like to help us keep the site updated (maybe even PR, let us know!) Some highlights of the conference you need to know: 1. Congratulations to Oregon School Nurse of the Year Connie Hoffstetter from Bend! (You all know how I like shout outs, so the School Nurse of the Year is extra special to me!) 2. Thanks to all of you for your contributions to the NASN Endowment Fund to honor Leslie Currin. She was such an advocate for nursing education. We thought this was the best way to honor her. I have met her family, and you have no idea how much our contribution in her name means to them. In some of your comments you mentioned you would have liked a picture and/or power point about her, but to be honest, her service was very simple, so we had no pictures to put up, but you are right, more of a presentation would have been better. 3. I know I mentioned it in our general meeting, but it needs to be repeated. This is a busy and exciting time for Oregon School Nurses and OSNA. With the passage of SB 698 and the task force working on how Oregon school nursing will be shaped, it is more important than ever that all of you participate and help us grow. We are coming into our own, and can use our “force” (sorry, Star Wars: The Force Awakens just came out in DVD) to make school nursing the most effective to work in the best interests of the students we serve. Participate- we will accomplish more together. I gave multiple examples of how I have stumbled (embarrassed myself) proving that you do not have to be the most perfect or the most articulate school nurse to help. Passion and commitment will go a long way to get us where we need to go (you don’t even need my witty and charming sense of humor). Just wanted to state that for the record. However, what I hear more is not a “fear of making mistakes” keeping many of you from helping, you tell me it is the time you just don’t have. Well, it is true that “spare time” and “school nursing” are oxy-morons, but I can tell you those of us on the Board also have full work schedules, families, etc. but somehow we try to make it work. So, again, participate (if you don’t like how things are going, don’t just complain about it- do something! A few examples that don’t take a lot of time: 1. If you receive this, you are already a member of OSNA, so check with your colleagues (because about 1/2 Oregon School Nurses are not members) and get them to join, our collective support gets many things done. 2. Make it a priority to come to conferences. That is a simple way to network, collaborate and many things get accomplished and get your voice heard. 3. Pick at least one time when we ask for help (i.e. volunteer to help with one of our conferences, come testify or write a letter to your legislator when we send the word out, or if you find something that you think needs to be done (info we all might need, PR something you feel strongly about, ideas for topics for conferences, create a quarterly newsletter? These ideas don’t take a lot of time. Finally, maybe take the big jump and run for a board position. We do read all your input on the evaluations, and a few told us the Board elections were awkward. Well, it is awkward when we don’t hear from anyone interested in coming forward to run for the board, we are looking for solutions and working to solve that. I appreciated your comments about it. So, finally, here is my biggest reason for sending this out. San Diego, June 2017!!!!!! Mark your calendars. That is when our own Nina Fekaris (I just call her Madame Chair President Elect) will be inaugurated as President at the NASN Conference. We want as big a showing as possible to celebrate this occasion. I mentioned at the conference I am working with a travel agent, and if there is a minimum of 10 of us and we book together, we can get a 10-20% discount on airfare. There was also talk of getting a “party bus” to drive to San Diego (we’ll have to see how much support there is for that). Why talk this up so far in advance? NOW is the time to start planning! Discuss/negotiate with your district for what they can do to support you going. Start a savings plan to go (Nina is worth cutting your Starbucks budget at least in half to save for the trip. Of course it would be craziness to suggest cutting out Starbucks entirely). Do what you can to be able to come. What…Southern California doesn’t have enough attractions to entice you to make a vacation of it and come? The lovely Karen Brown (School Nurse from Coos Bay) asked me at the conference during the social hour at “Coyotes” if I was planning a song for the inauguration. What? Is that a question? OF COURSE there will be song! OF COURSE there will be hoopla, so DON”T miss it. Hoopla plans that the board doesn’t even know of are being worked on as we speak. (I am not saying a word more). With that, I turn over the Presidency of OSNA to Steve Moore. He is a fantastic representative and advocate of what OSNA can do. I am excited about where Oregon School Nursing is headed with his direction. It just occurred to me, with Steve as President of OSNA, Ely supporting us in ODE, and Jamie our voice in OHA, we may be 51st of 51 in School Nurse to student ratio, but we are number 1 in having strong male support in leadership, so we have a great start. Well, you haven’t gotten rid of me yet, so have a happy rest of the school year! Nicky Your President Elect of OSNA